Why use podcasts in higher education and training?

Why use podcasts in higher education and training?

Podcasting is just one technology among the entire suite of web-based technologies used in distance education. In addition, broadcasting can be used in many different educational ways. Therefore, there are many possible combinations of podcasts in education. For example, consider combining teacher podcasts with student and teacher discussion groups, and blogging student presentations via video…

Distance learning courses in Creative Writing can discover the writer in you

Distance learning courses in Creative Writing can discover the writer in you

The question that if writers were born or could be created in the chapters of writing has sparked a long debate among scholars. Eminent writer Virginia Woolf strongly expressed her belief that like any other creativity, the art of writing can be gained through perseverance and single-minded practice on a daily basis. This revolutionary thinking…

Career education for children

Career education for children

Career education for children at an early age can be very beneficial. Children can obtain a professional education through vocational schools or programs, or through homeschooling. A number of vocational education institutes operate online as well. In homeschooling situations, parents have complete control over their children’s needs and have the flexibility to teach them moral…

Speaking of avatars in education – the virtual teacher is growing up!

Avatars, talking web characters, and virtual actors are growing in popularity for one crucial reason… “they work”! With broadband becoming the standard Internet access in all four corners of the world, the benefits and possibilities of using rich and interactive media in marketing are starting to become a reality if not the norm. One of…

Educating the next generation of entrepreneurs

The perception of entrepreneurial opportunities and the ability to exploit them is closely related to social norms that encourage adventure, such as the availability of venture capital, access to cutting-edge technologies, a good diversified entrepreneurship education system and a sound professional infrastructure. This has major implications for the UK’s entrepreneurial economy. Entrepreneurship education, at all…

3 critical logic model errors and how to avoid them

Are you making these three critical mistakes in the logic model in evaluating your program? A logical model is a great way to create a visual representation of your program. At the core of a logical model, each visual representation, or infographic, illustrates a series of cause-and-effect relationships. Are You Making These 3 Big Mistakes…