Speaking of avatars in education – the virtual teacher is growing up!

Avatars, talking web characters, and virtual actors are growing in popularity for one crucial reason… “they work”! With broadband becoming the standard Internet access in all four corners of the world, the benefits and possibilities of using rich and interactive media in marketing are starting to become a reality if not the norm. One of…

3 critical logic model errors and how to avoid them

Are you making these three critical mistakes in the logic model in evaluating your program? A logical model is a great way to create a visual representation of your program. At the core of a logical model, each visual representation, or infographic, illustrates a series of cause-and-effect relationships. Are You Making These 3 Big Mistakes…

Educating the next generation of entrepreneurs

The perception of entrepreneurial opportunities and the ability to exploit them is closely related to social norms that encourage adventure, such as the availability of venture capital, access to cutting-edge technologies, a good diversified entrepreneurship education system and a sound professional infrastructure. This has major implications for the UK’s entrepreneurial economy. Entrepreneurship education, at all…

Successful radiology careers require continuing education for technicians – some helpful facts

Radiology, like many other high-tech areas of the modern healthcare industry, has become a very promising job market. The demand for highly qualified professionals in this sector is always high. As for future employment prospects – it is expected to be better than today. Population growth and the growth of the elderly segment is creating…

Radical Education Theory – A Path to Social Change and Justice

Radical education theory, also known as critical pedagogy, is a type of education associated with politics. It is known that radical education conveys the spirit of political participation in the people. According to this theory, the basic form of education today is misleading and leads to a lot of differences between people. Researchers, theorists, and…