Consistency is what makes a high-quality online course

Consistency is what makes a high-quality online course

Enrollment in online courses is growing and growing. In 2018, nearly seven million students enrolled in online courses. In 2020, 82% of K-12 students attended schools that offered some form of distance education. What makes a good, high-quality online course? We know there are criteria for evaluating good teaching practices, but the Internet is different….

What is the difference between a CYT Certified Yoga Teacher and a RYT Registered Yoga Teacher?

What is the difference between a CYT Certified Yoga Teacher and a RYT Registered Yoga Teacher?

While there are no specific regulations regarding the level of training necessary to teach yoga, choosing to pursue teacher certification, signifies a commitment to yoga. CYT certification reveals that the yoga instructor has pursued some level of education in yoga techniques. There are many different programs that offer certification for yoga instructors, and it is…

KWLH Learning Strategy

KWLH Learning Strategy

The KWLH Learning Strategy is one of the most popular strategies that the learning community has used for reading and understanding texts as well as working on various school projects. This strategy was developed by researcher Donna Ogle in 1986 and was originally developed to study the literature. KWLH is an acronym. K stands for…

Continuing Education Professionals is open to active retired entrepreneurs

Continuing Education Professionals is open to active retired entrepreneurs

3 quick ways to get more excited about the coming decades: 1. Know that you can live to be over 100 years old and help people every single day. Start seeing that this could be it. Because when you look forward to helping someone, it really lifts your day. During the moments when you provide…

Inclusion of special education

Inclusion of special education

Special education inclusion refers to the participation of special education students in regular education classes and the provision of support services to those students. The main goal of inclusive education is for all students in the school, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses in any area, to become part of the school community. Each student…