Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning

Nowadays we can easily learn almost anything anytime online no matter where we are. Distance learning programs make use of internet technology that enables us to acquire knowledge on a flexible schedule from anywhere as long as we have an internet connection. While distance learning seems to offer many advantages to learners, it may also carry some drawbacks that you should know about so that you can consider them when deciding to study an online course. As a distance learner, you should make the best use of its advantages while avoiding its drawbacks that could affect your learning progress. Here are the common advantages and disadvantages of taking the course online:

Advantages of distance learning

1. It does not require mobility

One of the major advantages of distance learning is distance learning through the internet which will save you money and time that you would have spent traveling back and forth to school.

2. Learning at your convenience

Most distance learning programs allow for a type of flexible learning where you can plan your own schedule for completing lessons online. Most of the classes are asynchronous so you can log into the class at any time you prefer. Homework, assignments or projects can be downloaded and submitted through the online learning system. This key feature makes distance learning programs better suited for working individuals who want to attend online courses without affecting their work life.

3. Live anywhere, study from anywhere

There are no borders in the internet world. You can access anywhere on the internet with mouse clicks. It enables us to enroll in an educational program until it is offered by an institute located anywhere on Earth as long as the institute makes the learning programs available to distance learners.

4. Accessibility

Online classes can benefit people with limited mobility. You do not have to worry about the difficulties that you may encounter while attending classes physically. Alternatively, they can access online classes from the comfort of their own home.

Disadvantages of distance learning

1. Technology problems

Most distance learning programs make use of computer technology. You may need to upgrade your computer if your computer system does not meet the online learning system requirements. Students are expected to have basic computer and internet knowledge so that they will know how to access and navigate the online learning system.

2. They do not provide instant feedback

Since most distance learning classes are asynchronous, where teachers and students may not log into the online class at the same time, you won’t get instant feedback or responses if you have any question that needs attention from the teachers.

3. Her certificates or degrees may not be recognized by all employers

Even though online learning has become very popular and widely accepted in the job market, there is still a small portion of employers who do not really realize the value of a distance learning program.


Distance learning has advantages that can benefit a lot of people especially those who have work and families to continue their education. But, there are some drawbacks that you should consider before you decide to enroll in a distance learning program.

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