$3000 Agro- funding: Agriculture Student Scholarship In Canada

Discover the limitless opportunities in agriculture and set your sights on a fulfilling career in the field!

Why Choose a Career in Agriculture?

Saskatchewan’s agriculture and agri-food sector is a robust industry offering a plethora of career paths, ranging from production and research to finance and manufacturing. Remarkably, this sector boasts approximately 50,000 jobs throughout the province.

For students passionate about sharing agriculture’s dynamic narrative, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is proud to offer the Agriculture Student Scholarship. This scholarship awards $6,000 to the winner, with three additional scholarships of $3,000 each for runners-up.

Who Can Apply?

The scholarship seeks motivated young individuals eager to pursue agriculture as a career. Eligible candidates include Grade 12 students or recent high school/GED graduates (within the past two years), planning to enroll in agriculture-related post-secondary programs starting Summer 2024. Applicants may choose any accredited post-secondary institution across Canada. We particularly encourage applications from Indigenous students, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities.


Employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation, along with their immediate families, are not eligible to apply.

Application Guidelines

Ready to apply? Click here to start your application. The application deadline is June 1, 2024.

Application Focus

The 2024 scholarship theme is “Farming and Environmental Sustainability.” Applicants should address how sustainable practices are integrated into farming and the crucial role of public perception in modern agriculture. Your submission should highlight innovative environmental practices by producers and emphasize the significance of public communication to build trust in the agricultural industry.

Questions to Guide Your Application:

– How is environmental sustainability implemented in agriculture?
– How can the industry better communicate its sustainable practices?
– What measures can be taken to preserve ecosystems and manage land effectively within farming?
– What current steps are producers taking to safeguard the environment for the future?
– How can producers enhance their promotion of environmental sustainability?

Inspiration for Your Submission

When crafting your essay or video, consider interviewing industry professionals dedicated to sustainable practices, explore innovative environmental initiatives by food companies, and share personal stories or favorite resources that highlight Canadian agricultural practices.

Submission Evaluation

Submissions will be evaluated on their relevance to the theme, idea development, structure, creativity, and professionalism. Leadership and community involvement, as evidenced by your recommendations, will also be considered. Please note, videos should not exceed four minutes.

The Ministry of Agriculture may choose to publish or promote submissions as appropriate.

Scholarship Award Notification

Scholars will be announced by the end of June 2024. Recipients must provide an Official Confirmation of Enrollment from their chosen institution to receive their scholarship funds.

Embark on your journey in agriculture and make a significant impact on the industry and the environment!

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